Intentional Living

This is one of the most impactful changes you can start to make in your life right now.  Living intentionally.  This means having a direction for your life, even if at times it gets a little off track.  This may feel overwhelming to think about at first but if you start to chunk it down it can be really simple.

Creating daily intentions is a great exercise I was encouraged to do by my business coach.  Each morning when I woke up I would write a simple (yet broad) intention for the day.  The intention would range anywhere from focusing on opportunities for “productivity” to “being my best mom self.”  This has allowed me to look for ways to integrate more of these things into my day and be more proactive.

I had been struggling with being irritable around my kids (they somehow weren’t helping with this) and made my intention for an entire week to be the “best mom” I could be in the moment.  One morning my son Max, who was one at the time, threw his entire bowl of cereal – milk and all – on our carpeted dining room floor.  We were already running late for school and normally this would have sent me over the edge.  But because I had made it my intention to act as my best mom self I handled the situation much better.  I firmly told him “we don’t throw cereal” and cleaned up the mess.  There were times when I missed the mark, but noted them and moved on with my day.

Another key component of setting intentions is to see how these intentions manifest throughout the day and log them.  I keep it simple, logging 3 or more ways my intentions worked for me.  I am a big believer in the law of attraction, which states “what we focus on expands.”  This exercise allows me to focus on the life I want to create and expand that creation each day. Try it for thirty days and see what happens.